Another Year Around The Sun

I have a confession to make: I love birthdays...but only when they're someone else's. The thought of being the center of attention on my own birthday makes me want to crawl into a hole and hide! 

Still, each year around my birthday, I take time for some deep self-reflection. I look back at what I've accomplished and think about how I can continue to improve as a person. Like many of us, I can be my own worst critic and often come down too harshly on myself.

This year has been a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with high highs and low lows. Among the highs, I found my person, the one who truly complements me. But this joy was tempered by the pain of losing my brother-in-law. I felt elated covering the high school team that went on to win the state championship, yet I also had to undergo major surgery. Just when I thought things were settling down, I started developing my personal brand and gaining traction—only to find out my grandma was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer.

The whiplash from these rapid shifts has been intense and very real.

Through it all, I can't help but look back on my life and recognize the plan that God had charted for me. It’s strange how, for years, I heard phrases like "this is all part of the plan" or "you'll understand someday." Now, reflecting on everything, I realize that so much of my journey has fallen perfectly into place, equipping me to handle both the highs and lows of this year.

Alex is my literal angel on earth. I'm profoundly grateful for the exact moment he came into my life. After years of loneliness and questioning what was wrong with me, wondering why everyone else seemed to have someone but me, I now see that timing was everything. I believe strongly that every woman needs to spend time on her own, discovering who she is and learning to love herself completely. When the right partner comes along, you just know—everything falls into place.

Alex entered my life during a high point, only for us to face the harsh reality of time’s fragility shortly after, with the death of our brother-in-law followed by my emergency surgery. A family friend once remarked that if we could make it through these trials, we would have essentially lived our wedding vows: "in sickness and in health, for better or worse, till death do us part."

Reflecting on this, I realize how true that statement is. Everything I learned on my own, every midnight cry, and every longing for the future prepared me for this. Alex was worth the wait, and together, we have faced life’s most profound challenges with love and resilience.

I have developed a new respect and understanding of time. Time is both fragile and strong, encompassing our greatest and worst moments, as well as everything in between. Its immense value is immeasurable, which makes it so precious.

Through time, we witness our growth and recognize our worth and value. It reveals who we aspire to be, how we choose to live our lives, and the legacy we hope to leave behind. Often, it is the encounter with death that transforms our perception of life's timeline, turning a one-dimensional existence into something far more profound. In the face of mortality, we gain clarity about our true selves and the trajectory of our lives.

Confronted with death, we have a choice: to act courageously or to be consumed by fear. The presence of death enhances our appreciation for everyday moments, instilling a deeper sense of value in each passing day. It's a powerful reminder that life's most precious gift is time itself, and how we choose to spend it is the ultimate reflection of who we are and what we stand for.

I don't wish for people to experience the raw reality of death. It is an overwhelming and earth-shattering event that shakes the very core of who we are. However, what I have learned from being close to it is something I hold with immense gratitude. The stark realization that time is limited has deeply influenced how I live. Now, each second is filled with purpose. I don't let the minor inconveniences or trivial disruptions deter me. Instead, I focus on what truly matters.

That job that was endlessly demanding, absorbing all my energy and leaving little room for joy or creativity? Gone. I no longer feel the need to cling to something that does not fulfill me or give me room to grow. Similarly, I have learned to gracefully but firmly let go of people who drain my energy, without guilt or hesitation. We often underestimate how important it is to surround ourselves with those who uplift and positively contribute to our well-being. 

It has become clear to me that my time is my life currency, a finite reserve that should be spent wisely. Investing it in meaningful activities and relationships enriches both my life and the lives of those around me. Whether it's cultivating a new hobby, spending quality time with loved ones, or simply enjoying a quiet moment of reflection, every second has value. I make a conscious effort to engage fully and intentionally with whatever I'm doing, ensuring that I'm not just passing the time, but truly living.

The understanding that time is limited doesn't just make me live differently; it makes me cherish and celebrate life every day. I nurture my relationships with more care, prioritize my peace of mind, and ensure that every decision aligns with my values and future goals. This intentional living transforms my daily routine into a rich tapestry of experiences, lessons, and moments of joy.

Your time is your life currency; invest it where it truly matters. It's a lesson learned from the raw reality of death—a profound guidance that not only shapes my actions but also grounds my entire existence.

Life is filled with endless interactions and relationships. Looking back, I sometimes find myself laughing at who I thought would be in my life forever compared to the people who are actually present now. Often, we can become so consumed with memories of the past that we forget to appreciate the present and the people who show up for us day in and day out. These are the individuals who support us through our 101 emotional swings, who enjoy doing life with us, and who stand by our side no matter what.

One of my favorite shows is *The Golden Girls*. I start off every morning with an episode and a cup of coffee—it's so wholesome and uplifting. The opening line, "Thank you for being a friend," always strikes a chord with me. While watching, I often reflect on how many times I've expressed gratitude to the people who are currently in my life, compared to those who belong to my past.

Being intentional with the people in your present everyday life is incredibly important. It’s easy to get caught up in reminiscing about relationships that have faded, but doing so often blinds us to the value of the connections we have now. We should make it a habit to show appreciation regularly to those who are actively contributing to our well-being.

By nurturing these present-day relationships, we can create a more fulfilling life experience. Genuine connections with those who truly care for us require ongoing effort and appreciation. Make sure to thank them, not just in grand gestures, but also in small, everyday actions and words.

Living with this level of intention helps us stay grounded and connected. It enriches our lives by focusing our energy on the relationships that matter most, rather than dwelling on what could have been. It’s a practice that brings immense joy and fulfillment, reminding us to celebrate the friendships and bonds that stand the test of time, right here and now.

As I reflect on my life while approaching my birthday, I have a mix of thoughts and feelings that surface. The predominant emotions, however, are pride and gratitude for the life I lead, the legacy I'm building, and the sheer joy of being present in these moments. For the first time, I can genuinely say that this is the birthday where I feel proud of what I’ve achieved and who I’ve become.

To my past self, thank you. Thank you for enduring the challenges and working so hard to bring me to where I am today. Your perseverance and strength have paved the way for the life I now enjoy.

To my future self, I have a heartfelt message: live intentionally. Be grateful for every moment you get to share with the people you love, and cherish each experience along the way.

And because life is sweet—yes, there’s always room for dessert.